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Finding Credible Sources During These Wild Times We're Living In

C'mon, you know you'd click.

*Sigh* where do I even begin? My lecture on credible sources used to be so succinct and cute. I had a little acronym (courtesy of some awesome librarians) that helped explain how to tell in an online source was credible. CRAP. Currency, Relevance/Reliability, Authority/Audience, Purpose/Point of View. (link for those who want to know more). Sure, the acronym really should’ve been CRRAAPP, but it was a simpler time. 
It can be easy to roll our eyes as our Aunt Kimothy shares yet another clickbait article about scientists secretly plotting to a coup so that killer whales can finally take their rightful place as our overlords. 
But there are real, important issues at play here. Fake news, biased articles, and flat-out propaganda are harder and harder to distinguish from good, fact-based journalism. Part of this is because of how the internet has evolved. Very few people get their news from print anymore, so the internet is the place to go. But the internet doesn’t have to go through fact-checkers, editors, etc. (although many sites certainly do have stringent editing mechanisms in place). Also, there is a huge financial incentive for content creators to write clickbait articles. Some are accurate with clickbait titles like “You’ll Never Believe What This Ghost Said to Tom Cruise” but some are purposefully inaccurate in an attempt to get people like Aunt Kimothy to hit the “share” button and spread that puppy around, generating advertising revenue with each sucker who clicks. The people behind these types of articles like these Macedonian teens who are in the game to pay for their guitar equipment or this liberal dude who built a fake news empire with fake pro-Trump/anti-Hillary content. 
We know that fake news (as in journalism based in falsehoods, not journalism a certain someone disagrees with) and extreme bias is everywhere. How do we sniff out that putrid, stinking rat? (What a gross expression. My bad!)
Here are four types of sites/articles to keep an eye out for (courtesy of Dr. Melissa Zimdars): 

  1. “Fake, false, regularly misleading sites” which rely on “outrage” using distorted headlines and decontextualized or dubious information in order to generate likes, shares, and profits” (examples: Politicalo,  
  2. Websites that may circulate misleading and/or potentially unreliable information (examples:,
  3.   These websites sometimes use clickbait-y headlines and social media descriptions (examples:,
  4.  Purposefully fake satire/comedy sites that can offer critical commentary on politics and society, but have the potential to be shared as actual/literal news (examples:,
Give them their Pulitzer!

Here are some tips for routing out bad info (also courtesy of Dr. Melissa Zimdars):

  1. Avoid websites that end in “lo” ex: Newslo (above). These sites specialize in taking a piece of accurate information and then packaging that information with other false or misleading “facts.”
  2.  Watch out for websites that end in “” as they are often fake versions of real news sources.
  3.  Watch out if known/reputable news sites are not also reporting on the story. Sometimes lack of coverage is the result of corporate media bias and other factors, but there should typically be more than one source reporting on a topic or event.
  4.  Odd domain names generally equal odd and rarely truthful news.
  5.  Lack of author attribution may, but not always, signify that the news story is suspect and requires verification.
  6. Check the “About Us” tab on websites or look up the website on Snopes or Wikipedia for more information about the source.
  7.  If the story makes you REALLY ANGRY it’s probably a good idea to keep reading about the topic via other sources to make sure the story you read wasn’t purposefully trying to make you angry (with potentially misleading or false information) in order to generate shares and ad revenue.
  8. Uh oh, she needs step #7!
  9.  It’s always best to read multiple sources of information to get a variety of viewpoints and media frames. Some sources not specifically included in this list (although their practices at times may qualify them for addition), such as The Daily Kos and Fox News, vacillate between providing legitimate, problematic, and/or hyperbolic news coverage, requiring readers and viewers to verify and contextualize information with other sources

 So here’s your assignment for this post—copy and paste the link to a fake news article. It can be as blatant or as camouflaged as you’d like. Along with the link, I’d like you to provide a paragraph response explaining how you could tell this source wasn’t legitimate. What about it made you question its veracity? When you’ve done this, also respond to one other classmate’s post, adding your take on the linked article they provided. Did you think it was not credible? Were you fooled?


    I knew that this source wasn't legitimate because the headline of the article sounded absurd. It is insane to believe that someone just found the head of their ex-girlfriend in their attic and even didn't face any consequences after the discovery. This website is obviously one that posts fake news to act as a source of comedy and is not a reliable source.

    1. I also wasn't fooled because, well, it's The Onion. However, someone who isn't well versed in the type stories produced by The Onion could have easily determined the high falsification required to write such an article, based merely on the fact that Brad Pitt not only kept a severed head on his mantle, but then his kids later used it as a toy.

    2. zhu.2166

      I felt the same way, especially that he didn't face any consequences after the found of someone's head, not to say the head belongs to his ex-girlfriend. It just wants to attract targeted readers. That's totally foolish.

    3. chen.6971

      It's really hard to believe and ridiculous. But I was actually shocked when I just opened the link because the photo looks so real. However, there's no actual prove and we cannot really see the face. And back to reality, it is crazy if it comes true.

    4. I also wasn't surprised that this source was not credible because I am pretty familiar with the Onion. Its click bait titles are easy targets to people who want to believe anything.

    5. As I first saw this article, I cannot believe that is true since it is impossible happened in real life. Another method to determine it is not credible is this article is from “The Onion”, which is marked as a fake site. And then, the photo provided in the article seems to be processed by Photoshop. Thus, it is hard to believe this source is veracious.

    6. cai.694

      As I opened the link, I observed the photos first, and found out that they have been processed, for they look so fake. The content is also very ridiculous, which will not happen in our daily lives. In addition, the source comes from The Onion, which is a fake site as mentioned.

    7. Cordova.33

      When I saw the article, I knew it was fake upon observing the photo. The photo looked faked because of the poor photoshopped head in the box. Also, another reason why this article is fake because the contents of the article sound fake. Why would Pitt let his kids play with a severed head? Also, The Onion has a reputation of producing fake content.

    8. This article is totally fictional, and it uses clickbait headlines to attract the audiences. But we will not believe it. Because the picture is obviously processed by photo editing software. And the news described in the article is inhuman and unbelievable, which will not happen in the reality. in addition, this article is from a fake site “The Onion”, making it incredible. Therefore, we should not trust it.

    9. It's hard to believe that it is true. When I opened the link, I found that all of the pictures and words are ridiculous and it seems just for entertainment. Apparently, This website uses its headlines and ridiculous words to attract more people to click it. It can't become a source for our paper.

    10. I agree that the obviousness of how fake the article is shown by the source of the article and also the topic and ridiculous nature of the article.

    11. This website is a fake news website. And the picture has been processed. The contents are ridiculous. Noone will believe this thing happened in real life.

    12. Actually, I feel a little bit scared and almost believe it when I first click into this news, but after I saw this news seriously again. I found that maybe I were fooled since it is absurd. First the men is an actor and when his ex-girlfriends was found by himself, I didn't see any surprised or scared motion in his face. Obviously, this article just want to attract customers' attention in order to obtain more subscribes. it is a false marketing tool.

    13. The majority of Americans know that the Onion is satire at this point, but it's also frightening/hysterical when you find someone who thinks it's real.


    After reading the article, I could very clearly discern that the vast majority of the story was politically biased. The headline, written to try and illicit anger from its audience and generate shares, is based on the conspiracy theory that a centralized world government made up of political and economic elites will knock down every sovereign nation to establish one global nation, which they subsequently rule. The author of the article frequently interjects his conspiracy opinions after the straightforward quotes delivered by Jake Sullivan, a senior political advisor to HRC during the 2016 presidential election.

    1. zhu.2166

      I read the fake news in your link. I think that this fake news is made up using some conflicts on political biased and agitate for anger and anxiety of people. It may looks legitimate to people who knows little about the politics or people who has strong belief in some certain events related to political biased. That could be hard to identify and I think your fake news is a great example!

    2. The first thing comes into my sight after opening the link is a big amount of advertisings, so I raised some doubts about these informations. Then after reading the whole paper, I find that it is filled with extreme words and some unreasonable asserts. Finally I am sure that this is a fake news.
      Yuan zhao.2284

    3. "New World Order" or "Illuminati" are great indicators that the writer is a conspiracy theorist.

  3. zhu.2166

    I was shocked the first time I read the headline of the news and I almost believe that. I overthought about it and found out that the things mentioned in the headline doesn't make any sense and there's no connections between 4 million dollars and two bodies. News like that won't just show itself into public in that way! It just listed two astonishing things together to attract readers. The most common trick that those fake news uses is they post some pictures that have nothing to do with the event at all and then they make up some stories that could agitate for them. Fake news are not easy to identify at first but there's always some certain pattern for us to know how the fake news is formed.

    1. This website also did not fool me, as the website looked very unprofessional with many strange ads all over the place. The url of the source also contains the words "its always a democrat" showing potentially extreme bias in the writing.

    2. Upon reading the headline, I also barely believed it. I was not fooled by this article at all, and it is not a credible article. The website it was published on was very unprofessional, and did not look like a credible page at all. Furthermore, this would be a major news story on sites such as CNN or Fox News had it been real. Also, I like how the article mentions that the mayor heard the news through a police scanner in his office as if the mayor of a city has the time to listen to the police scanner all day. I thought that was a funny line. This article had all the signs of being fake news.

    3. That's a really good point about using photographs that have nothing to do with the events portrayed in the article.


    This source claims there were 2 student deaths involved in a prank a couple weeks ago at Harvard, and Malia Obama is a suspect. First of all, the news source has an unusual domain,, with the icon for the website (seen in a chrome tab) being a girl in a bikini. Next, the website is filled with many strange ads, which is unusual for a reputable news site. A quick google search on this topic finds nothing even relating to this event, letting me conclude that this event never happened and this website isn't a good source.

    1. This is a funny example as the claims are very extreme. What are the chances of the former presidents daughter being involved in a death of a classmate. I don't see humorous satire in this source thus it leads to even greater questions such as what was the point of this? The abundant ads also do raze its credibility.

    2. I also was not fooled by this article. It seemed clear to me that this article wasn't real due to the fact that if it was real, it would've been featured on other reliable websites as well because Malia Obama is a big name and would've received more attention than this.

    3. Wow, a site I've never seen before. That's a good point, Nina, that a major figure like Malia Obama would be on all the news sites if something like this happened.

  5. chen.6971

    As I see the topic, I think this must be a fake news. I cannot believe it's true because I don't think there's a straight relationship between religious and medical care. The doctors' job is to save people. If you're not saving others' lives with any kind of reasons, you cannot being called a doctor. Also, "The article plays off of an actual U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) announcement in January 2018 that the department would broaden protections for health care providers who refused to provide services on religious grounds," as Snopes mentioned.


    This link takes you to a short article explaining that after several studies, doctors have reason to believe that dinosaurs went extinct because they liked pineapple on their pizza. If you couldn't tell this was fake news by the title, the article also uses a derogatory name for the doctor they referenced. The website itself also appears to be pretty biased, as the search bar at the top has a quick link to "Most Hated Celebrities." I would say Huzlers is similar to the Onion, in making satirical and humorous articles.

    1. While this article never had me fooled and is definitely not credible, it did make me laugh so I probably would have clicked on it just to read it more which was the goal of the website.

    2. So pineapple on pizza hate seems to be everywhere these days.


    There were many issues with this article that immediately clued me in to the fact that it was not legitimate. First, the article came from the website "The Onion", which is known for its fake news, misleading articles, and satirical pieces. Second, the information contained in this article goes against what every major news source has been reporting about for months. Special Counsel Mueller has been purposely assigned into investigating the 2016 election for evidence of Russian interference for the benefit of certain candidates. He has been conducting his investigation also into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians in order to win an election. Furthermore, as recently as yesterday, Director Mueller indicted thirteen Russians on conspiracy to defraud an American election. All these facts taken into account also help to show that this source is a fake news story. Lastly, Russia is not an American ally. Thus, they would have no reason to ensure our election was fairly held. The article is a clear piece of satire against those that deny that the Russians interfered with the 2016 election.


    I could tell this source wasn't legitimate because at the bottom of the article it says to contact the writer because they "pay for juicy info". This means that any rumors or gossip they will put on there site, it dosen't have to be true. The job of the site is to get people to look at the advertisements so the only goal is views. The article also only references a "insider source" which could be someone as close as a sister, or an everyday person who wanted to make up something for a little extra cash. The website radar online also is full of ads and other fake articles. The fact that Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith divorced would have made the news, their social medias would show their separation, as would pages like IMBD that say they are still married.

    1. Aw, I'd be sad, but this rumor has been going around about them for years and years.

    2. Also, great eye catching that "pay for juicy tips" notice at the bottom of the page. That definitely says something about the site's credibility.


    After reading the article, I learn some methods that help me to determine whether the website provide fake information or not. The website I address above is obvious to see that is not legitimate since the headline of this article is ridiculous. This headline will mislead the ignorant teenagers to do something illegal. Also, this source is from, which is mentioned in the article as a fake, misleading site.

    1. After noticing the "", i know it mostly possible that it is a fake news. And after reading the article, it is really ridiculous, no one gonna believe it.

    2. Qiumeng He
      After reading the title, I knew it was a fake news. What a stupid thought that killing a tree and killing a kid are similar things. News like this will have a bad effect on Minors.

    3. The media like this one always like to use such exaggerated title to attract readers and to enhence the hits, but finally the news was proved to be fake, which is sick. The title like this one really have a negative effect to the public.


    4. I wonder if might be overseas propaganda. It just has that feel to it.

  10. cai.694

    I was attracted by the title of this article, it asks us a question about googling ourselves, and I thought it is an article about technology. However, at the time I clicked into the page, I doubted that this might be a fake information. Just right below the title, there is a photo of a couples in an elevator, which usually will not appear in articles with this title. After reading the whole article, I figured out that it aims at giving advertisements to some websites like "Instant Checkmate". In addition, the article is found from, which is a fake site mentioned before.

    1. Actually, this article cannot fool me. For the reason that there exist a lot of unrelated advertisements around the whole website, as well as some subscribe notification when I was reading the article. Meanwhile, the whole article does not have any scientific evidence to prove. So, basing on these reasons, I was not fooled by this article.


    2. Ad content can definitely be revealing about the quality of the site.


    I look it as a fake news because firstly the website is informal, there is no specific author. And the whole article focus on telling us some informations but not authoritative proofs. Actually speaking it can not persuade me. I failed to find some reasonable connection between black bean and the black hairs. In addition i can tell us this essay is on a commercial website, it is used as an advertisement.

    1. When I was first looking at the title of the article, It really attracted me, and I almost believed that the black beans can have benefit on hair. However, when continue reading this article, it cannot fool me any more. For the reason that the whole argument did not have any scientific evidence to prove, meanwhile, the whole website was fulfilled with strange advertisements. Basing on these circumstances, this news could not fool me.


    2. Very tricky when ads are presented like factual articles.

  12. Qiumeng He

    I was shocked when I saw this topic. When I clicked in this link I realized it was a fake news because its website was very shabby and scared. The body paragraph used a lot of exaggerated words to attract readers' attention. Many contents were made up without common sense and pictures were very unclear.

    1. Good job paying attention to inflammatory language that real journalists wouldn't typically use.

  13. Hanxia Zhang

    I was really interested in this article when I see the topic on this website. At first, the article introduced the losing weight outline in a very professional way and I almost believe it. However, when continue reading the article, I came out the attitude of doubting. For the reason that all the plan did not have the scientific evidence to support and the whole losing weight process did not have any detailed description. Also, the whole website was full of unrelated advertisements, and continuously jumped out subscription information. So, the whole website and the article are not professional enough, and I was not fooled by it.

  14. Samuel McGhee

    It was pretty easy to tell that this article was fake news from the very beginning. First of all, if you know anything about satirical blogs you have heard of the Onion and know that their articles are meant to be fake news. The other dead give away was the very faked picture that was shown with the article. The Onion does a very good job at making their stories almost believable for their audiences.

    1. The onion is great at finding an endless trove of funny stories that sound just absurd enough to not be true, but just professional enough to appear true. The onion is fake news at its best. It is fake news when everyone knows it is fake, and it attempts to make you laugh. This particular article is funny, unbelievable, silly, and fake. If only all fake news were this much fun.

    2. The Onion is a master at creating fake news stories with attention grabbing headlines. However, it is very easy to figure out the lack of validity in their articles due to a complete distortion of facts and the lack of evidence in their content.

    3. The picture looks like so bad. At the beginning of this, the attractive title just aims to make people interested in it. But there is not enough things that helps people to confirm its reality. So we could conclude that it is a fake news.

    4. I know, I remember the days when The Onion was really the only fake news game around and it was all in good fun.

    This article was self-evidently false. First, it came from the onion. The onion is literal fake news. They know it and so does everyone else. Articles from the onion are never meant to be taken seriously, and are always a joke (and often a quite funny joke). In the article itself, the main give away is that the liberty bell would not be an eligible candidate for the presidency and there is no possible way that 78% of people would seriously vote for the liberty bell. That is quite frankly absurd.

    1. When I see the link I know the news is not true. As you say, the reason is obvious. It's from a website which focused on making up funny fake news. But without it's source, I maybe can't determine. Since as a foreign student new in American, I really have no idea what the liberty bell is and why do people vote for it.

    This news is from, which is marked as a incredible website that report fake news. The picture in the article is obviously edited by some photo editing software. And the description about the object in the article is not clear and ridiculous. In addition, the source of this article is undefined, and the expression is not formal at all. Therefore, we cannot believe it.

    1. Please be sure to reply to this comment with your actual roster name so you can receive participation credit.


    When I just saw the title of the news, I was just curious but not sure if it was credible. But after I entered the website and read the article, I found there were flaws clearly. Part of descriptions in the article were against common sense. And the website looks messy which is full of ads.

    1. When I saw this news I thought it gonna tell us something about the person, but it talked about against shark finning. The headline just want to get people's attention but does not fit with the content. Moreover, the detail about the shark is not clear, it's hard for the readers to understand what did the writer truly want to talk about.

    2. When I search the headline on Google. I found that has proved that it is a fake news. The featured image for this fake story actually shows Kaleb Langdale, who was attacked by an alligator in Florida in 2012.

    3. When I saw this I immediately had my suspicions that it was fake and the more I read the stronger my suspicions grew. I would not say I was fooled by the article because I never really believed it.

    4. I can see how this one might fool some people if they didn't scroll to the bottom where they self-disclose as a satire site.


    This article in The Onion was as fake as it gets. As soon as I read the headline, I was suspicious about its validity. The picture was very professionally done to make it appear real. However, the actual content of the article was baseless and lacking evidence. It did not have any credibility or veracity to it and only blatant claims were made regarding the ivory trumpet.

    1. Immediately because this was from the Onion, I knew it was fake news. If I had not known this than the other tells that this was fake were the lack of an author, the satirical language used, and frankly just the title alone.

    2. Well, this ended up being a popular choice.

    This news was wrote during the presidential campaign. They took advantage of popular angry and gave an controversial headline to attract people. The article didn't give any correct answer in the end, so what's the purpose of this article? It might be written by a Trump's supporter. News' opinion should not be bias because it might lead people to a wrong situation. Such as this news, I think the purpose would be lead people vote to trump or do not vote to Hillary.
    Jinming Hu (hu.1548)

    1. Yeah, this definitely could've been written by a foreign entity either for profit (clicks) or to skew the election.

    The onion is different fake news. The articles are often full of satire and thus can’t be taken seriously. The first article I saw was titled "Uphill Skiing Competition Enters 6th day." Headlines like this clearly are not meant to be taken seriously but rather humorously.

  21. Cordova.33

    I know this article was fake because it comes for The Onion. Many people know that The Onion has a reputation for writing fake news articles. Also, the poorly photoshopped photo of Mike Pence is a clear give away that this article is fake. Another thing to question is how did the media get such a good photo of Mike Pence sleeping in his bed with his wife. That is nearly impossible due to the high security surrounding the Vice President. Also, the contents of the article is ridiculous. Why would Mike Pence be worried about having sexual intercourse with his own wife? Because of the reputation of the site, the photo, and the contents of the article, I could tell this article was fake.

    1. lim.1215

      To be honest, this is my first time of hearing The Onion, when I click in the link you provided, I realized that the photo is unnatural, it seems like has been edited by someone. I think their purpose of creating fake news is to gain some illegal profits and spread the rumors to society.

    2. Oh, Debbie, you're in for a real treat. The Onion is magnificent!

  22. Zhiming Zhu
    It is quite obvious that it is a click-bait article. It has an attracting headline. It lacks author attribution. At the end of the article it attempts to lead reader to an external link, which seems to be an advertisement for a research engine.

    1. When I saw the news I was shocked by the headline which is really attractive. But you are right that the article seems like doesn't have reliable attribution and some other information about the author.

    2. The headline of the article is an immediate indicator that the article is not reliable. The purpose of the article seems to be to get the user to click on one of the internal links which shows the article was made for a non-informative reason.

    3. I definitely noticed this! I also definitely agree! As soon as I noticed the flashy title I was instantly triggered into thinking that all the article was trying to do was get its attention and click on it!

  23. Yu Wang

    This website listed some fake news about the gun-fighter in the accident in Las Vegas in 2017. For each news, it's a good way to judge the reliability to find the origin of this news and maybe we can find that the description of the news was changed in the process of spread. Some website said the murder was an exceeding left-winger who supported the Democratic Party and some websites declared that the real murder behind the scenes was a secret government which is chewing on spreading the usage of the metal detector. These kinds of fake news appeared on the internet every day, which is so ridiculous that we have to recognize them.

    1. I think this is a really good article to expose fake news, and the analysis in this article gives me a deeper understanding in how to identify fake news. For example, some of the fake news about this shooting event has already identified who the killer was, but the police had not yet investigated any information or motive of the shooter. In contrast, it is obvious to say which is fake.

      Xianqin Qiu

    2. Vice does great work. Their coverage of Charlottesville was incomparable.

  24. hoeflinger.8

    I did not know right away if this was fake news or not just from first glance at the title. Normally, I would not have believed this at all except because of personal experience (I got the flu shot for the first time in years and got the flu). After thinking about it I decided it was likely fake news and that is what the website had concluded as well. This story line came from a misinterpreted quote from a nurse which when coming from a medical professional can be enough for some people to believe based off of that.

    1. People are super paranoid about the flu and about vaccines, so I can see why this would get clicks.

  25. han.1424
    Apparently, this website is full of bad language and all the articles are fake. It can't become our sources. When opening this link, I can see the title on the top" Satire for the wise. News for the dumb." The headline of its articles can attract people's attention and some of it can't connect to its contents. The contents and pictures are ridiculous. When I clicked " weather", I found the article was full of useless and bad language, it will be fine just for entertainment.

    1. Nice that they tell you from the top of the page what they're all about.


    First, I could immediately tell the article was fake because The Onion is known as a news website that posts satirical articles. The claims made in the article also make it clear that the article is not real. The article claims that a team of archaeologists unearthed a "completely intact mastodon-ivory trumpet which is obviously a made up discovery. The article mentions that the trumpet must have been made before the invention of the wheel which is illogical. Additionally, the wording used throughout the article has a sarcastic tone and further suggests that the article is fake.

    1. This article must've been on the Onion's homepage when this post was due, haha!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.


    This article is obviously fake because of the source but also because of the ridiculousness of the entire thing. There is no way that he actually wrote the album in one night. I think that the article is more likely actually commenting on the quality of his new album and the fact that they think is sounds like he wrote it all in one night.

  29. lim.1215

    This link is obviously fake as the article mentioned before in #2: "Watch out for websites that end in “” as they are often fake versions of real news sources." While searching for the useful online sources related to US government, this link has appeared and when I click in, it provide several link with a simple black color background, I couldn't find the information about the website. SO when I click the URLs, it shows me some fake news about government and the illegal donation without authorization. That's why I believed that the sources is not legitimate in this website.

    1. Yeah, this is definitely a less-than-credible source that often gets traction, unfortunately.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. tang.1251
    This link is from the website "the onion", so I can tell this is a fake news. Also, the photo is obviously processed. The content is ridiculously. When I search the same title through google. Everything I can find has same contents and photos but different dates. And there is no regular news site reporting this news.

    1. I do love The Onion and was looking forward to seeing the photo that would accompany this article. I was not disappointed. Yes, obviously a fake story from this satirical site, but very well-written. Very clever. Dismembered crash-test dummies beneath the catacombs of Ford - genius! Though I can't believe anyone would mistake this for anything other than satire/comedy, I know that somewhere someone might think it could be real. I mean, if it's on the internet, it must be true. Right?


    I think this article is totally fake because I don't believe there really are aliens in this world. And if it were a really news, someone discovered an alien, it would cause a sensation in academia. However, after I looked up other credible news sites, I found out that only this websites reported it, which made me suspicious its veracity. In addition, the homepage of its website is also very irregular, and its intro shows that "THE WORLD's ONLY RELIABLE NEWS", as if to tell me the "reliable is totally not reliable!"

    Xianqin Qiu

    1. Good point about hearing this news from a variety of sources if it were true.

    I could tell the source was not legitimate because of how weird it would be if it were true. The source is known to be made up things made for peoples entertainment or for satirical purposes.

  34. zhang.8902

    This is a fake news which can be proved fake by the internet.
    If this was real, why the most famous news reporter, like CNN and Yahoo news did not report such a big event.
    Also, this news websits is part a network of fake news sites, which is reported by the internet.

    1. Oh yes, this news would've been reported widely if it were true.


    This is fake news because:
    1) No big time News outet talked about this
    2) These are not Democratic values
    3) Denzel Washington is much more competent than this

    1. Denzel is exceedingly competent and that's a fact.


    I knew this was a fake article right away. The biggest dead giveaway was just how large of a company Snapchat is, and the decision to reverse the update would be astronomical. The name of the site also seemed pretty silly to be a legitimate site. Also, after looking at some of the other articles on this site, it was pretty clear that they were not very credible as well.

    1. That website name in the URL is a pretty big giveaway too.

    This is a fake and absurd news. Actually, I cannot say that the video in this news is invalid or false. But this news try to distort the facts and lean to mislead the public by amplifying the errors mad by this university student. As we can see, this tittle of news made us really angry and want to see what happens in this article. Obviously, the news only want to use part of the video to amplifying an error and attract reader's eyes. But this article really have a bad influence on teenagers who don't have judgment ability. Also, another reason why I think this news is illegible is that it from a tricky website and there are many advertisements on this website. Also, no prestige author is provided.

    1. Yeah, this is just trying to make teens and environmentalists look bad.

    This article, from The Onion, is of course fake, due to the satirical nature of the website itself. However, there might be some who are unfamiliar with The Onion and could possibly think this was a real article and share via social media.

  39. Tianyu Wang.9748
    This is definitely a fake news. One reason is that it is from Onion, who is always using fake news to make fun. Another is that there is no such a game in Olympics. The picture is so real, but it is still fake.


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