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Choosing the Perfect Primary Source

Don't be like this guy.
It's primary source time, y'alll!

Choosing an excellent primary source early in the semester when thinking about the PSA can save you a major impending headache later in the semester when you're working on your SSI or ARP. The image or short video that you select as your primary source will be the basis of each step of the ARP. This source will be the focus of your paper for the entire semester, so if you don't choose wisely, you could be kicking yourself in a couple of months (and we don't want that!)

The Basics
  • Must be image-based (photograph, advertisement, short video less than 7 minutes like a music video, commercial, or movie trailer)
  • Can NOT be text-based (no newspaper articles, journal articles, websites, books. etc.)
  • Must fit within our course theme of (Socioeconomic) Class in America Today
  • Must have a minimum of 5 different details that you can base analysis paragraphs on

Back away from the journal article. Slowly.

So are you are looking around the interwebs or in magazines for your primary source, ask yourself these questions:

1. When starting out with your search: What different sub-topics that fall under the larger umbrella course theme of Class in America Today interest me? Am I curious about inequality within eduction? Do I want to know more about homelessness? Try thinking about what interests you in general (maybe fashion, real estate, dialects/accents, sports, etc.) and how those could connect to Class in America Today. If you start with topics that you are already interested in, you're much more likely to choose a primary source/topic that won't bore you later on.

Your HGTV addiction could finally be useful!

2. Once you've found a few options for your primary source: How many different details can I identify within a single source? Think in terms of visual details like a chainlink fence, a boarded up window, an overturned garbarge can, a grey sky, graffiti on the side of a building, etc. If you are looking at a video source or if there are short bits of text written on your image, you can also analyze short words or phrases (i.e. the word "change," the phrase "don't know what to do," etc.) You won't be able to analyze whole scenes or conversations. Think small. Analysis is about breaking a source down into tiny pieces and then making meaning from those little fragments.

Example of not enough details. This source could make your life really unfun.

3. Looking at different source options: How does this fit into our course theme of Class in America Today? (Sometimes students will accidentally choose a source that isn't set in America or that isn't current in representing class as it is now.) Can I make a really specific, narrow connection? (The sub-topics of "homelessness" or "differences in appearance between classes" are still too broad. You will need to find a really focused angle like "the increase in homelessness amongst female veterans." You certainly don't have to know what your exact angle will be starting out, but it's helpful to think ahead because you'll eventually--in the SSI stage and beyond--need to find journal articles that will help you support your analysis of your image/video).

For the comments section: What sorts of subtopics are you interested in that would fit within our course theme? What kinds of sources are you considering for your primary source?

***Either make one original comment or respond to two comments.***


  1. I am interested in fashion as a theme and examining how it impacts the upper class in America. I would like to use a short video or movie trailer as my primary source so there is more content for me to analyze.

    1. Fashion and class definitely relate to each other. A lot of different angles you could take there.

  2. I am interested in writing about health as a topic and talking about how tobacco companies and fast food companies target the lower class neighborhoods. It is also hard to find time to workout for those in the lower class, and is an expensive activity with gym memberships being so expensive. The lower class are also less likely to go the doctors because of cost, health insurance etc. Healthy foods are also more expensive and target the upper class. All of these leave a large majority of the lower class obese, unhealthy and malnourished.

    1. Denish Patel

      That's such a great idea! I wonder if eating healthy foods that are grown at home can be cheaper and healthier, beneficial for one's health and the environment. Thus, it may actually work in favor of those who can't afford pricey food items.

    2. Tobacco companies are definitely known for this. Could be a great topic! (Fast food, too).

  3. I am interested in writing about the Electric Vehicle industry and how its targeting the upper-middle/ upper class and what message they bring about to those around you. Another topic I am interested in writing about is Health insurance and its accessibility to different classes.

    Varun Kovvuri

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Denish Patel

      I really like the healthcare idea and how it relates to class structure. So many people in the U.S. can't afford healthcare and health is a basic human right everyone, regardless of their financial status, must receive.

    3. Electric vehicles (particularly Tesla) would be a fascinating topic. It does seem like environmental ideals are really only accessible to the upper class. Like a lot of people can recycle, but only a certain level of people can afford an electric car, solar roof, going vegan, etc.

  4. Qiumeng He

    I would like to write about the lifestyles of different social classes in America. Comics would be my primary source because comics is the best way to express satire. Its content is also vivid and humorous. A good comics would be close to the theme and have a lot of special details for me to analyze. It will give me more inspiration.

    1. Lifestyles of different class is pretty general, but maybe you'll find a more narrow angle once you choose a comic.

  5. I am considering using a piece of art from a series of works that compares upper class with lower class and what it says about them. It explores symbols of high class and symbols of lower class.

  6. David Bair

    I have always been interested in what makes people in certain manners. I am considering the differences in values between the wealthy and poor in America as a potential research topic. To be more specific, I would like to research how the differences in the values of the wealthy and the poor act as an agent in maintaining economic class.

    1. David, I think this is an interesting topic to explore. I believe that there are for sure different value systems among the different classes so it could be interesting to see how those came about. Have you put any thought on what kind of source you could us for this topic? Perhaps a cartoon or ad?

    2. Sounds interesting. Might want to think about how to narrow that even further (like one value in particular instead of values in general).

  7. Wubin Tang
    I am interested in how the smartphone impacts the different social classes in America. The popularity of smartphones has brought significant changes to the whole society. To different social classes, there could be massive differences.

    1. Zhiming Zhu

      That's interesting. I never thought of different influence cell phone has on people from different classes.

    2. I got the same interest as you do. I think with the development of smart phone designed by China, the market of USA will have more smart phone from China.


    3. Interesting, but you'll probably need to look at how they affect just one class to keep a narrow topic.

  8. Jordan Helphrey
    I am interested in how a persons social class and the sport that individual may end up playing, and which sport(s) that person ends up becoming a fan of.

    1. So are you saying particular sports are targeted at different social classes? This is an interesting approach to this topic and if developed well, i think the paper produced could be really interesting!

    2. Zhiming Zhu

      I think sports like golf, horse riding targets to upper class people because you have to pay club fee while running, basketball are almost free. Expensive sports help upper class distinguish themselves from others. That's a very good topic!

    3. Oh yeah, I can see this being an interesting topic, for sure. Whatever source you choose (maybe a group of blue collar guys in football regalia posing for a photo) will help you narrow your topic.

  9. I am interested in researching the items which brings kids from different socioeconomic classes their own genuine enjoyment and happiness, and finding an image, video, or piece of art which features a side-by-side comparison of the kids using said items. While I expect babies, toddlers, etc. wouldn't have an issue with playing with the same type of toys as someone in a different economic class than them, the same quality of toys is not presented evenly amongst the high, middle, and low class families.

    1. I like that this approach takes a more positive spin on the theme, rather than pitting the classes against one another. The themes of materialism and family love/appreciation could be explored in this theme.

    2. Hi Jacob,
      I think your topic is special and attractive. Sometimes, people will ignore the difference of happiness which kids get from their item. But sometimes, only these little details reflect the difference in social class. I'm looking forward to seeing your article at the end of semester.

      Yiyi Wang.

    3. It can be kind of difficult to find a primary source that shows multiple classes for comparison, so you might need to focus one just one (like lower class + plastic, broken toys)

  10. Xinhai Ni

    Reading books could be one of my favorite things to do in my spare time. Therefore, I want to find out what kind of books each class of people love best, the reading medium, either e-books or paper books, most of them use daily as well as when and where they would prefer to read. An image or a short advertising video of reading with different people in US would help me to do further analysis here.

  11. Qing Zhu

    I'm interested in how education could affect wealth and social classes in America. I would like to watch some movies( like"homeless to Harvard") to dig more about the topic. Moreover, I want to find more materials from some advertisements which shows how the relationship between gaining wealth and getting knowledge from different ways.

    1. Make sure if you're looking at a movie, you're just doing a short clip. Sounds like you have some general ideas you're working with, so hopefully you can narrow once you figure out your primary source.

  12. I am interested in the different kinds of food that upper class and lower class people in America used to eat in their daily life. I want to use a picture which mainly compare the foods that are different from those two classes. People who are in the lower class tend to eat food with higher sugar content which can increase their happiness quotient according to the research. At same time, people in the upper class eat organic food and so on. I think these subtopic can be expanded a lot.

    1. I am interested in food as well, I also want to understand different dietary habits in different social class in America through watching some documentary video. And I still want to find out the food safety problems in different classes.

    2. Food is a great topic, you'll just need to find a more narrow angle.

  13. I'm interested in digging out the connection between American social classes. For example who will one prefer to make friend with, out of his or her class. Further more, I will try to find some rules to help us stay comfortable with other classes of people in American. It seems hard to find enough citation sources. what, now, in my mind is the reserches from google scholar, news from google news, and papers from some authority medium. If you guys have any other ideas about the resources, thank for reply.

    1. Definitely need to think about narrowing this topic. Maybe look at a movie clip that shows a friendship between two different classes.

  14. Michael Ross

    As a biochemistry and a hopeful future medical student, I am very interested in the subtopic of healthcare between socioeconomic classes in the United States. More specifically, I am thinking about researching the differences between the type and quality of healthcare received between the different socioeconomic classes. Hospitals, like any business, cater to specific clients. Most prominent or well-known hospitals are generally only accessible to people that have the money, resources, and healthcare coverage to take advantage of their care, and these are the hospitals with the state of the art technology and the best doctors. On the other hand, hospitals in poverty stricken areas are generally under staffed and underfunded. So, I think it will be interesting to see if there is a statistical difference between the healthcare received between socioeconomic classes. The types of sources I am considering for my primary source are political cartoons or maybe a short video or picture that gives a brief insight into each class’ experience in the hospital that they choose.

    1. Hi Micheal,
      I was impressed by your common. Actually, the Healthcare topic is not a special topic, it has been discussed for many times before, but I saw your unique viewpoint about this topic. This is also my interested in. I see what happened to poor in hospital so I really know the importance of healthcare for people in poverty, in other word, for people living in remote areas. I believe you can learn a lot from this topic! Good luck~

      Yiyi Wang.

    2. Micheal, the thoughtfulness of your post is great. It seems like you have a real idea of what you'd like to do and it sounds sweet. I am a third year studying Health Sciences and from the classes I have taken there is a lot of dispensaries in health care among classes. I think a picture of some sort could be cool to use just might be harder to find one. I have a lot of information on this topic from a previous project and classes so let me know if I can be any help!

    3. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a comic panel showing the difference in care between an upper class and lower class patient.

  15. Will Lhota
    I'm very interested in seeing how the internet as a whole has an impact on different social classes. Today's society is becoming more technologically dependent, and I am interested to see if that is the same for all social classes.

    1. Hello Will,

      Your topic is interesting! The internet has linked our world as a whole and made social classes more distinct at the same time. It's an attractive and new perspective when people are talking about social classes.


    2. The internet is an interesting place to start (still a little broad at this point). Lower classes in particular have a hard time getting access and that's such a huge part of being a person these days.

  16. Jacob Perch

    I am interest in examining the difference living conditions of each social class. The quality of housing and neighborhoods are generally associated with social class, and I would like to analyze this association to see what it reveals. I plan on looking for images that depict the difference between the homes of each classes and how it affects their lives.

    1. You might be able to find a primary source that shows a fancy house next to a lower class home, but finding a comparison in a single primary source can be tricky (just a heads-up).

  17. I am interested in how education affects in social class. I want to dig more about the different education people received in various social classes and the link between education and people's future. I am considering to use some interviews on people's opinions about education from different background, or some images when they are in the classroom.

    1. I think interview different class of people is a great and special idea for our essay, because interview can help us get a real feeling from these people's words and appearance in person. I believe you will do a great job for it!

    2. An interview might not be the best primary source if it's more information-based. If it's one student sharing her story and it includes images from her school/home, that would work.

  18. First of all, I am interested in fashion as my paper theme. And then, in order to narrow down the big theme, I would like to use the subtopics to analyze how fashion impact on different classes in America. But for now, I am not quite sure the exact angle that I will discuss. I want to choose to use a short video as my primary source. Since the video provides more details than only a photo. And based on the short video, I can obtain a deeper understanding of the relationship between fashion and social classes.

    1. You might need to focus on just one class + fashion, but sounds interesting!

  19. After reading the direction, the problem sounds intriguing now. Now I'm interested in Fashion, food and sex life. I haven't made the decision which one to choose. And I think the difference in education of different social class might be more obvious. The source I'm considering for my primary source are ads and videos. -Yufei Sun

    1. Those are all very different directions, so maybe you'll figure out which one you want to focus on once you've found a good primary source.

  20. Max Andryushchenko

    Music has always had a very strong impact in my life, and that is why I am interested in seeing how music can possibly affect social class. There are so many popular song out there about the different social classes in America, so I think that it would make it all the more interesting to go and explore the songs and music videos out there!

    1. zhang.8873

      Your topic, the music, is really an eye catching aspect. Indeed, different kind os music are originated from different areas. In ancient times, the noble preferred to enjoy the gorgeous music and those poor people could just play music at the street side. So I think this topic could be not only a valuable, but also a creative idea.

    2. A music video can be a great primary source choice because there are so many details to choose from.

  21. Silvana Garcia

    It'd be interesting to write about how a person's social class might influence its social media behavior. Within this social media topic there are other subtopics like the person's fashion, the social circle of a person and the social activities they do in their free time . I'm thinking of using a short video instead of a picture so I can have more content to analyze.

    1. Might be a little tricky finding a good primary source for this, but I think it's a really interesting topic.

  22. Haojun Zhao (zhao.2576)

    Actually, I'm interested in food and cooking. So, in order to come up a subtopics which can conform to our class main topic, I'd like to write something about if the relationship among nutrition, cooking method and health is one of the topics of American class, what effect will happen in people's life.

    1. Food and cooking is important to our life. Besides, it is also a symbol of culture. Different culture has its own food and cooking choices. It is really interesting and you could have a lot of fun during the process of experiencing these food.

    2. Oooh, cooking is really interesting. You could maybe do one of those ads like Blue Apron or there are so many options if you want to look at a different class than upper middle.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I'm interested in the difference in diet quality and physical health among social classes. Specifically, I would like to focus on how certain food chains/products are marketed and priced and the physical difference each class has because of this. I'm not entirely sure of what primary source I'm looking for, though I think a fast-food commercial would be a good start. Another source I may include could be an exercise equipment ad for your home (possibly a Peloton commercial) .

    1. Peloton commercial would be incredible. That's such an expensive product and you can see how directly it's being marketed to an upper class consumer.

  25. I am interested in writing about the car industry especially the breakthroughs in self driving cars and the impact that it will make on society as a whole. For my primary source I would consider a variety of research papers that were written recently on the advances within the American and foreign car industry related to self driving cars. I would also consider press releases from the car companies that report on their new findings and abilities.

    Sam McGhee

    1. Self driving cars could be an interesting topic, but I'm wondering how you're going to show a direct connection to socioeconomic class. That connection can definitely be there, I'm just not sure what angle you're going to use based on this.

      Also remember, a research paper is not an appropriate primary source. Take another look at the contents of the above blog post for more info. I'm happy to answer any questions!

  26. I've got a few thoughts rolling around - variations on a theme basically, with my theme being poverty in rural Kentucky, which is where I'm from and what I've experienced personally. Narrowing that theme down I'm thinking about Generational poverty in rural Kentucky, which perhaps I could use photography - perhaps put together a slide show video of several generations of a family and show how the face of poverty in rural KY has changed and stayed the same throughout multiple generations of the same family. Another idea has to do to with the influence and effects of Arts Education programs in rural school systems and perhaps I might find a video that would work. Lastly, I love music and am trying to think a way to combine Appalachian folk music or Bluegrass music with social class and for this there would definitely be a video performance involved, but just need to figure out the best angle on how to make it work and to find a great music video to use as a primary source.

    1. Ah, rural KY is close to my heart since that's where my gparents and husband are from (and where my latest magical realism novel is set). My family is from Stanton and Mt. Sterling on my mom's side and Corbin near Cumberland Falls on my dad's side, and then my husband's parents live in Beattyville/Lee County near Red River Gorge/Natural Bridge.

      If you're looking at generational poverty, you would need to choose just one image or video clip rather than adding several into a slide show. Sturgill Simpson and Tyler Childers are two newer Kentucky artists who might have music videos out that would work for you (but I don't know this for sure).

  27. I'm interested in the psychological condition of different social classes. Due to the different living styles, people tend to develop their minds in various ways. I want to find out the certain psychological condition related to some group of people, whether positive or negative. As the pressure from society has increased, psychological problems have been more complicated. Many of them could be connected with certain social class, and the reason could be further explored.

    Xianqin Qiu

    1. I also think analyzing the social class is so interesting. But it is really hard to find the true resource about this. If you want to get the truth, you have to go to where they live. Sometimes I think this may be dangerous.

    2. This might be a little tricky in terms of finding a primary source that visually shows this, so might want to think about other options just in case you can't find a source.

  28. Tianyu Wang.9748
    I'm interested in the unbalanced development between different classes in China. Since we always believe we are the socialist country, but the real situation is totally different. The wealth is held by about 1% population of the whole country. China is just like other capitalist countries. Since it is hard for us in China to find some resource to analyze this, i think there are a lot of books about this in US and Wiki can provide me some information.

    1. Remember that our course theme is Social Class in America Today, so looking at China would not work.

  29. Nicole Hoeflinger.8
    I am interested in the equality of education based off of social class in America. I've been thinking about using a cartoon picture for my primary source. But I am also considering looking into short commercials. I will likely dive into standard education as well as secondary and university.

    1. Good options. I know there are a lot of images out there showing really terrible classroom conditions, particularly in Detroit, so that might be another option.

  30. Fan Liu (liu.6303)
    I'm interested in different classes' psychology. I'd like to explore the impact of social class on people's psychology and future development. As we all known, the environment will influence a person's mental development, especially on children and teenagers. Because they are not mature enough, and they learn things from surrounding. People usually stay with crowd that have same class with them. What if they meet other classes? What are their psychological changes? And I'm considering use some short videos or caricatures that show the psychological condition of different classes for my primary source.

    1. This is a little tricky to portray visually, so you might have a hard time finding a primary source.

  31. Zhiming Zhu

    Upper class people tend to have good figure while lower class people are more likely to be overweight. I am interested in will power and discipline people have from different social classes and I would like to search some video about this topic.

    1. Yeah, this is a uniquely American problem, so this could be interesting. A lot of the weight discrepancy is about quality of food and time (lower classes often work crazy hours so no time to grocery shop, cook, or exercise).

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. zhang.8776
    I am interested in the different safety problem for different social classes in America. I want to figure out the most important reason to cause safety problem in different classes in America. For example, unhealthy food, lack of basic safety requirements or unhealthy habits, which is the most necessary problem to cause different class in a danger. I will find out and watch some documentary film, which investigate and record the real life in each class. What's more, I will collect and classify some material and evidence from the Internet and library to prove my opinions

    1. Safety is interesting. I would think housing/neighborhood would be an angle to pursue here.

  34. chen.6971
    Yian Chen
    I'm interested in food and fashion. Fashion and art is what I'm trying to pursuing in the rest of my life so far and tasting delicious food and making comments of them is what I always love to do now. So trying to write something either of them with the American social class nowadays in this semester must be really interesting and exciting to me!

    1. Either topic is a great place to start, so just look for a primary source that will help you narrow your topic.

  35. I am interested in researching and writing about the way different social classes save money and spend money. The economics of different social classes is very interesting to me. I also want to write about how companies target people in different social classes using advertisements.

    1. You could look at a payday lending advertisement or an upper class investment commercial to fit this theme.

  36. I'm interested in high class people in the US, is people born in high class still in the high class when they are adult? How could people who weren't in high class join the high class?
    I'm considering short video as my resource, because I can dig many details from it.

    1. Once you find a primary source, that will help narrow this a bit. You seem to be interested in social mobility, which is pretty general, so be looking for a more narrow angle.

  37. Neway Araya

    I am interested in writing about socioeconomic demographics. The area someone lives in greatly resembles his or her socioeconomic status and class. I believe such views can also provide a great scoop of subcategories that pertain to such individuals. For example many toxic dumping grounds can be located in poorer areas or expensive malls in rich areas. Such research can also provide a history of demographical evolution.

    1. Once you find a primary source, that should help you focus on one aspect of this. So for example, a commercial for an upscale mall, or a photograph showing really unsafe living conditions in a lower income neighborhood. You'll probably need to focus on just one type of living situation, depending on which primary source you choose (remember we aren't looking at research for the PSA).

  38. Neway Araya

    I am interested in writing about socioeconomic demographics. The area someone lives in greatly resembles his or her socioeconomic status and class. I believe such views can also provide a great scoop of subcategories that pertain to such individuals. For example many toxic dumping grounds can be located in poorer areas or expensive malls in rich areas. Such research can also provide a history of demographical evolution.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I am interested in the connection between their entertainment and social classes. Entertainment is a important part in our life and people who in different classes may have different ways for entertainment. Some entertainment activities are always considered as for wealthy people. I want to find some information about their ways for entertainment in different classes based on films, tv shows or some special photographs.


    1. Hello Yutong,

      I think your topic is attractive. The entertainment and social classes are closely connected with each other. For instance, you could dig more about the entertainment around us or in our daily life on campus. Looking forward to your writing!

    2. You'll probably need to look at just one class group enjoying entertainment (like a photograph of upper class people at a golf club).

  41. I'm interested in the difference of growing environment of the young generation between the different class in America.I understand that will be huge difference but I would like to know more specific into it. For instance, the study environment, the mind of thinking, how they treat the things depend on the level of value.

    1. zhang.8873

      The point that you interested in is actually a really important aspect. For the reason that the level of education will definitely influence one's thinking ability, which is one of the aspect that divide the classes. If you continue researching on this kind of problem, your conclusion maybe helpful to find solutions to solve the problem like the gap between the rich and the poor.

    2. Study environment could be interesting. You could analyze a photograph of an SAT prep classroom, which will probably show upper middle class kids getting extra help. Or you can show a lower class student trying to do their homework in a less-than-ideal environment, like I think there was an image of a young boy doing his homework on a broken down picnic table outside a gas station.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. zhang.8873

    I am interested in researching the lower class. For the reason that I really want to find out what make people locate in different classes. It is the difference in education level, or it is that higher class own more opportunities. And if let the lower class's people accept the same level education as upper class accept and give them more opportunities, will they become the upper class or still say at the same place. Meanwhile, in order to support this topic, I will choose to view some documents that report the children's lives in poor areas and comparing them with those who live in rich areas and find out the different aspect between these two groups.

    1. Remember that you are focusing on an image or video not research documents for the PSA. So you can analyze a photograph of a low income classroom.

  44. I am interested in different styles of music and I think that really related to our course theme, becuase people in different social class will have different habit of music. The sources I can use for my primary source are those news or paper about all kinds of music on the websites.


    1. Remember your primary source shouldn't be written or information-based. A music video would be a good example of a primary source.

  45. Kathy Cordova
    I’m interest in researching about how people from different social classes who are pregnant prepare for their unborn child. I want to observe the struggles and how each woman feels about pregnancy. A huge thing that many pregnant women do is nurseries, therefore I might want to find photos of how each woman might decorate(or not have) the nursery. I want to dive deeper in inspecting how the stress level of each woman might affect how willing/ happy they are about their babies. Also, I want to see what type of brands or products each woman buys. My primary source might be a photo that showcases a pregnant woman from the three social classes, or a video.

    1. I published this yesterday before 3PM and I don’t know why it didn’t publish! sorry about that!

  46. I would like to write social class and how it affects participation in sports in America. I love soccer, and I heard that in America, the participants of sports like football, soccer and basketball are often from middle or lower classes. And upper class likes to participate in different sports which are much more expensive.

  47. I want to write about the differences in growing up wealthy vs in poverty effect the psychological perspective they have on life and about themselves. I feel as though wealth obviously gives people more opportunity and access to more things to help us attain success but I want to explore and write about how it really effects them as human beings.


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